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ECHO Group Members

Permanent Researchers

Charles Cougnon – CNRS researcher (group leader)

Charles Cougnon obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Rennes1 in 2002, working in the electrochemical stability of noble metal in organic solvents. After one-year assistant professor in chemistry at the University of Nantes, he joined the Centre National de la Recherche (CNRS) as Chargé de Recherche in Le Mans, working in DNA-based electrochemical sensors. In 2008, he moved to the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) as a visiting researcher in the groups of Professors D. Bélanger and J. Mauzeroll where he work on the surface microstructuring with diazonium salts by using the scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). When he returned to France, he joined the University of Angers in 2010 to conduct researches on electrochemical energy storage, especially supercapacitor technologies. Since then, his research interests are centered on organic materials for energy storage, including modified porous carbon with small redox molecules, conducting polymers, redox polymers, with a special focus on their electrochemical stability. 

Pierre Frère – Professor



Frédéric Gohier – Associate Professor

Frédéric Gohier received his Ph.D. degree in 2003 from the University of Le Mans, under the supervision of Pr. J. Mortier. He studied ortholithiation of benzoic acid derivatives. Then he went to RR Schmidts’s group in Konstanz working on carbohydrate chemistry. After two year’s as ATER in Le Mans, he was recruited in Le Mans and focused on rubber chemistry. In 2010, he moved to Angers to work on organic semiconductors. He is particularly interested in synthesis methods for the formation of new materials for optoelectronics.

Philippe Leriche – Professor

After a Ph.D. between Angers and Odense (Denmark) and a post-doctoral fellowship in Tuscaloosa (USA) in the team of Pr. M. Cava, Philippe Leriche was recruited to the University of Angers in 1997 (Faculty of Science, MOLTECH-Anjou). He has been a professor since 2009. As organic chemist, his research specialties deal with engineering of pi-conjugated systems for electronics and organic photonics, in particular organic solar cells and more recently molecular switches. Successively head of the chemistry department (2009-12), deputy dean (2012-16) then dean (2016-2024) of the faculty of Sciences, he was involved in the RFl and then the EUR LUMOMAT, as well as other projects of the institution. Since 2024, he is first vice-president of the university in charge of the board of directors and sustainable development. 

Maïténa Oçafrain – Associate Professor



Lionel Sanguinet – Professor



Postdoctoral Reasearchers

Jason Beaufrez

Jason BEAUFREZ obtained his PhD in 2022 in international joint supervision between the University of Caen (LDM-TEP, Cyceron, Caen, France) and the University of Erasmus MC (Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands) under the supervision of Cécile PERRIO and Yann SEIMBILLE. His thesis subject focused on the design and synthesis of new bio-orthogonal chemistry reagents for in vivo imaging and cancer therapy. Afterward, he joined the group of Professor Franck Suzenet and Marie-Aude HIEDEL as a postdoctoral researcher at the ICOA in Orléans in partnership with the CEA Le Ripault (Monts) to prepare precursors and explosophorous energetic materials. In 2024, he joined the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory in Angers as a CNRS post-doctoral fellow on the HOMERE ANR project. He works on conductive polymers for electrochemical energy storage for organic battery applications under the direction of Charles COUGNON and Frédéric GOHIER. His research interests include design, modeling, synthesis and applications of small heterocyclic organic molecules.

Clément Gonnot



PhD students

Jihad Abdo

Jihad Abdo is a PhD student at the University of Angers. He was born in Lebanon in 1997. He obtained his bachelor degree in General Chemistry (2018) and his Master degree in Applied Chemistry (2020) from the Lebanese University. During his masters in Lebanon, he undertook his internship with Dr. Chady Moussallem. He worked on the synthesis of organic semiconductors by green chemistry for plastic electronics applications. Jihad joined the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory in October 2022 to start his PhD. He is currently working on functionalized conjugate systems for applications in flexoelectricity or luminescence under the supervision of Pr. Pierre FRERE and Pr. Benoit GUIFFARD. The thesis work will essentially consist of the synthesis of monomers then the preparation of polymers by chemical polymerization or electropolymerization. The manufacturing of the devices and the flexoelectricity measurements will be carried out in Nantes in collaboration with the IETR laboratory.

Chloé Billiaux



Abdelhaq Cherradi

Abdelhaq Cherradi is a PhD student at the University of Angers. He earned his master's degree in Marrakech (Morocco) at Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FSTG), in 2023. His master's program focused on organic, polymers and inorganic materials. His final project took place at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC) in Toulouse (France) on the topic of "Synthesis and Characterization of New NHC-Phosphorus Ylide and NHC-Carboxylate Complexes with Group IX Metals" under the supervision of Dr. Yves Canac. Following his project, Abdelhaq joined the Moltech-Anjou laboratory in Angers (France) to pursue his doctoral studies under the guidance of Prof. Frédéric Gohier and Prof. Philippe Blanchard. Abdelhaq is working on synthesizing and characterizing organic materials for electron-transporting layers (ETLs) in perovskite-based solar cells.

Thanh Thao Huynh

Thanh Thao HUYNH obtained a Bachelor of Chemistry in a double diploma program between University of Sciences HCM-VNU (Vietnam) and Le Mans University (France). Then, she received her Master at Le Mans University. During her master, she did the internship on the synthesis of TN antigen derivatives for anti-tumor immunotherapy under the supervisions of Dr. Stéphane GUILLARME and Dr. Arnaud NOURRY. In November 2022, she started her PhD at IMMM in Le Mans, and in May 2024, she moved to Angers to continue this work at MOLTECH-Anjou. She works on the biosourced materials for the production of organic solar cells with Dr. Frédéric GOHIER, Dr. Stéphane GUILLARME and Dr. Arnaud NOURRY.

Céline Yazbeck

Céline Yazbeck is currently a PhD student at the University of Angers, under the supervision of Dr. Charles Cougnon and Dr. Frédéric Gohier. In 2024, She obtained a master’s degree in molecular chemistry, with a specialty in organic synthesis at Paris Saclay University. The subject of her master’s internship was the synthesis of polydiacetylene for energy storage, which led to a PhD on the synthesis and the study of redox conducting polymers with intrinsic porosity as anodes for organic battery.

Master students

Morgan Laigle

Morgan Laigle is currently a second-year Master's student in the LUMOMAT program at Angers university. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Nantes in 2023 before continuing his Master's studies at the same university. During his first year, he completed an internship at the CEISAM laboratory under the supervision of Estelle Lebègue Levaché. He is now pursuing his second year of the Master's program in Angers.

Ndeye Ndiaye

Ndeye Teinde NDIAYE is a Master 1 student in the Lumomat program at Nantes University. She obtained her bachelor's degree in advanced chemistry at Nantes University. She is currently preparing for her research internship under the supervision of Pr. Lionnel Sanguinet, working on the synthesis and characterization of Benzazolo-oxazolidine (BOX) derivatives and Pyrene-BOX derivatives.

