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KEMTRONIX Group Members

Permanent Researchers

  • Clément Cabanetos, Group Leader
  • Philippe Blanchard
  • Maxime Rémond
  • Olivier Ségut
  • Marcin Kielar

Non Permanent Researchers

  • Nathan Beghin
  • Ahmad Kassem
  • Meenakshy Suresh

Permanent Researchers

Clément Cabanetos (Group Leader)

After graduation in 2008, Clément Cabanetos undertook a PhD at the CEISAM laboratory (Nantes, France) on the synthesis of new crosslinkable polymers for nonlinear optical applications. Shortly after his thesis defense, he joined KAUST (Saudi Arabia) as a postdoctoral fellow to prepare efficient π-conjugated macromolecular materials for organic photovoltaics. In 2013, he was recruited as a permanent CNRS researcher at MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory in Angers to develop new and original concepts for organic electronics. He defended his habilitation in 2018 and received in 2019 the CNRS bronze medal. In early 2021, he moved to an international joint laboratory (2BFUEL) hosted at Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea) to broaden his expertise and collaborations. In charge of this laboratory from September 2022 to December 2023, he finally went back to Angers as CNRS Research Director (DR) with new scientific prospects.


Philippe Blanchard

After his PhD thesis on tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)-based molecular materials in 1994 at the University of Nantes under the supervision of Pr A. Gorgues and Pr G. Duguay, he spent one year with the Pr J. Becher at the University of Odense (Denmark) where he developed TTF based macrocyclic electroactive compounds. In 1995, he was recruited as CNRS researcher and joined the group of Dr J. Roncali in Angers to develop thiophene-based π-conjugated oligomers and polymers. He obtained his Habilitation in 2001. His research interests deal with the design, synthesis and characterization of π-conjugated systems for i) organic electronic devices such as solar cells and ii) electrode materials such as self-assembled monolayers and conducting polymers for molecular electronics and energy storage. CNRS research director since 2007, he led the SCL group from 2016 to 2020, before being appointed director of MOLTECH-Anjou in July 2020.

Maxime Rémond

Maxime Rémond obtained his PhD in 2018 at ENS de Lyon under the supervision of Dr. Chantal Andraud and Dr. Yann Bretonnière working on NIR solid-state fluorescence from push–pull dyes for biological imaging. He then joined the group of Prof. Eunkyoung Kim as a postdoctoral researcher at Yonsei University (Seoul, Sth Korea) to prepare fluorescent and phosphorescent π-conjugated materials for light-emitting electrochemical cells. Afterward, he joined Dr. Marc Lepeltier and Prof. Cedric Mayer at Institut Lavoisier de Versailles and at the LuMIn lab in ENS Paris-Saclay to work on push-pull dyes for 2D hybrid perovskites. Then, he worked with Dr. Ludovic Favereau and Dr. Gregory Pieters at ISCR and at CEA Saclay to explore chiral TADF emitters for circularly polarized OLEDs. In 2023, he was recruited as a CNRS researcher at MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory in Angers to develop purely organic room temperature phosphorescent materials and to study their use in OLEDs devices. His research interests are directed toward the broad field of conjugated organic materials and their applications.

Olivier Ségut

Olivier Segut ended his university studies in 2009 with a PhD in Physical Chemistry of Interfaces under the supervision of Dr. Boris Lakard at UTINAM Institute from the University of Franche-Comté.
He joined the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory in 2012 after two years of postdoctoral research at the Laboratory of Surface and Interface Chemistry Interfaces (LCSI) from the CEA of Saclay under the supervision of Dr. Bruno Jousselme.
His research activities are mainly focused on the characterization, modification, and structuration of surfaces to develop and optimize organic electronic devices.
The application areas he has explored are diverse but mainly centered on organic solar cells (OSC), field-effect transistors (OFET), surface functionalization, and electrochemical sensors.



Marcin Kielar

Dr Kielar obtained his PhD in organic electronics from the University of Bordeaux in 2016, under the supervision of Dr Lionel Hirsch, for work conducted in collaboration with ISORG, a company that has pioneered printed organic photodetectors (OPDs). In early 2017, Dr Kielar joined the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland in Australia as a postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory of Prof Pankaj Sah. He applied his considerable expertise to the design, fabrication and characterization of organic multifunctional optoelectronic devices (OPDs and OLEDs) for applications in neuroscience (neural recordings and imaging), near-infrared sensing and robotics (electronic skins). He also pioneered the development of smart wearable sensors for optimization of therapy in patients with neurological movement disorders. His highly multidisciplinary and collaborative research led to multiple international awards. Late 2024, Dr Kielar moved to the University of Angers in France to start his new role as Junior Professor in organic electronics at the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory. 

Non Permanent Researchers

Nathan Beghin

Nathan obtained a DUT in chemistry in 2021 and a BSc in chemistry in 2022 at the University of Rouen-Normandy. Then, he was graduated from the Graduate School of Research XL-Chem in which he earned his XL-Chem MSc in 2024 with a specialization in organic chemistry. During this master’s degree, Nathan carried out two internships. The first one was realized at the COBRA laboratory of the University of Rouen-Normandy and was about the synthesis and the characterization of complexed beta-diketones, under the supervision of Dr Thibault GALLAVARDIN and Dr Xavier FRANCK. The second internship was realized at the LAQV-REQUIMTE laboratory of the University of Aveiro in Portugal and was about the synthesis and the characterization of hydrogen-bonded aurones, under the supervision of Dr Samuel GUIEU. Nathan moved to the MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory of the University of Angers to work on the synthesis of purely organic phosphorescent chromophores at room temperature for near-infrared OLED devices, under the supervision of Dr Philippe BLANCHARD and Dr Maxime REMOND.

Ahmad Kassem

Ahmad Kassem is a PhD student in Organic Chemistry at the University of Angers, under the supervision of Dr. Clément Cabanetos. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in general chemistry and completed the first year of his Master’s in molecular chemistry at the Lebanese University. He then earned an international Master’s degree, LUMOMAT, in a double diploma program from the Lebanese University and the University of Angers. He completed his final internship to validate his Master’s degree under the guidance of Dr. Cabanetos, focusing on the "Synthesis and Characterization of Heavy-Atom-Free Photosensitizers Based on the Benzothioxanthene Imide (BTI) Scaffold". Currently, He is working on the development of new heavy-atom-free photosensitizers for the next generation of photodynamic therapy.

Meenakshy Suresh

Meenakshy Suresh is currently a PhD student at University of Angers, in collaboration with CNRS. Born in India in 2001, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in chemistry (2022) from the University of Calicut in Kerala, India and her master’s degree (2024) from Mahatma Gandhi University, India. She did her master’s thesis at the Molecular Energy and Electronics Research Laboratory at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, where she worked on the synthesis of organic semiconductor molecules (NDIs) and the fabrication of energy-efficient OFETs. She joined the MOLTECH-Anjou in December 2024 for her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Blanchard, Dr. Clément Cabanetos, and Dr. Maxime Remond. She is a part of “EIFFEL” Doctoral Network under the MSCA EU project, in which her doctoral research is on “Synthesis and characterization of functionalized NFAs for solution-processed sq-BHJ and BHJ OSCs.” 

